The cars are very nice ... they are black with deep blue lettering.
Which begs the question - WHY do they make POLICE cars that are basically indistinguishable from all other cars on the road? What point does that serve? People who NEED the police can't see them. And isn't the point to DETER? So if you are clearly VISIBLE, then people would be more inclined to obey the laws.
I understand that you might want to "sneak" up on criminals, but the point is to get as MANY people as possible to act properly.
It's been a while now that the police lights have been pretty much indistinguishable from your basic roof rack, too ...and in a lot of cases are internal. I am SURE that the reason is put forth that it saves countless dollars in gas by making the cars more sleek. It couldn't have anything to do with the idea of being as invisible as possible in order to catch more scofflaws and thereby generate more funds.... no way.
Now I know - some might argue that if no one KNOWS which car might be a cop car, then they will have to obey at ALL times. Yeah, well .... have you been out on the roads lately? Look around. That concept is falling woefully short of it's goal. The only time I see drivers slow down or drive properly is when a police car is in the vicinity. SOMETIMES.
And more importantly, the police are supposed to be there ..yes, really... to HELP us.
If no one can SEE them around, then they can't flag 'em down.
Shouldn't the cars be, like, canary yellow or bright orange or something? I mean - they always have undercover cars anyway ....
So I think they should start employing stealth technology going forward... Or maybe they can get something going like this.
Cop? What cop?

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