(Debate) Moderators Come In For Criticism
From US News & World Report - Daily Bulletin
"In the Washinton Post's "Media Notes" column, Howard Kurtz reports ABC moderators Charles Gibson and George Stephanopoulos "found themselves under fire for focusing on campaign gaffes and training most of their ammunition" on Obama. The New York Times reports Gibson and Stephanopoulos "became the subject of a fierce and somewhat unexpected debate themselves on Thursday, as viewers, bloggers and television critics lamented what they described as an opportunity lost: a chance to ask the two candidates for the Democratic nomination substantive questions early and often." The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette says the "big losers" were the moderators, while the Los Angeles Times reports that "many who watched" the debate "were livid." The AP adds that Greg Mitchell "of the trade publication Editor and Publisher said it was 'perhaps the most embarrassing performance by the media in a major presidential debate this year.' "
Ohhhh... C'mon, now! That's nothing! You KNOW you can do better. You're just not applying yourself. I mean, really! It's IMPORTANT to the future of this country - to the decision-making process - that we see Hillary sipping a shot of Crown Royal, or Obama BOWLING (he got a 37 - he sucks). It's imperative that the media focus on every single thing OTHER than the candidate's positions on the issues that will form this country's future.
Oh, and by the way ... could someone please tell me when becoming elite became a BAD thing?
"ELITE: the choice or best of anything considered collectively, as of a group or class of persons. "
I think maybe, for once, I'd LIKE a person who is better than me as the leader of the free world. The more recent concept that "one of us", who's a "regular guy" should be in charge hasn't worked. I want someone who is smart, intelligent, thoughtful, erudite, and eloquent. and I want someone who EXHIBITS this. I'm tired of the supposed leader of the free world embarrassing himself and the country by being an idiot. I'm sickened by a man who thinks it's "folks-y" to tell the Pope that he just made an "awesome speech". Seriously, George - you and your cronies can't go away fast enough.

Friday, April 18, 2008
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