Signs the Circus is Coming to Town
PROVIDENCE: Prov Journal
If you drove into work through downtown (Providence) this morning, you may already have spotted the sure signs that the circus is in town.
Pink, yellow, blue fluffy "things" are hanging from poles near parking garages and crosswalks, aimed at catching the eye of youngsters as they head to the Dunkin' Donuts Center on Sabin Street.
Tonight, the 138th edition of the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus opens a five-day run at the Dunk with a 7 o'clock show.
Additional signs of a circus have been quite visible for several days, however, as state lawmakers perform their annual ritual of pretending to act in the interest of their constituents. Stuck with having to address a budget deficit of over $150 million THIS year, and over $300 million next year, our representatives have taken every opportunity to show how irresponsible they've been - and continue to be.
Let's see ... after months of lambasting the governor's proposed budget (a budget that he is FORCED to present, working with the results of past legislative arrogance, deceit and utter fiscal irresponsibility), they pretty much pass it as is ... Oh, with the exception of those TENS of silently passed bills that amount to back-door deals. Everything gets shoved through in the wee hours of the morning, often without discussion, all piggy-backed to the important legislation that HAS to be passed. Additionally, our illustrious state senators and
representatives make sure to preserve their own fully funded health insurance while cutting tons of jobs and aid to every area of the population, and by increasing the allowed gambling operation hours at the two in-state facilities in DIRECT OPPOSITION TO THE STATED WILL OF THE PEOPLE, both statewide AND in the towns where the facilities are located.
There should be outrage by Rhode Islanders. There should be protest. There should be indignant voter retribution against the acts perpetrated so arrogantly by those we elect to act in our behalf.
But this is Rhode Island. Everyone "knows" someone. And the rest simply don't care.
It's criminal. But it doesn't change. This state is ahead of the rest of the country in economic downturn, job loss and has already been categorized as in recession. And a LARGE part of it is because of the selfish, arrogant, self-serving, 'old-boy' actions of it's political leaders. Leaders who have time and time again proven that they do NOT deserve out trust. Endless corruption and conflict-of-interest behavior have brought us to this point, and will keep us here.
It's pathetic and disgusting that the citizens of this state put up with such treatment.
Everyone deserves what they get.
I'm sick and tired of writing to my senator and representative. I'm sick of putting my trust in these people who are re-elected over and over - many times running unopposed, only to watch them ruin this state. NONE of them gets trust any longer. They are guilty until they prove innocence and integrity FIRST. And incumbents will be voted against REPEATEDLY, and spoken out against until they get out and the behavior changes.
It's not about leaving here. It's about FIXING the mess that exists.
(picking up my soap box and smashing it through the state house window)

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