Of the next 8 Saturday Red Sox games, 6 are listed as being FOX games.
That's SIX Saturday afternoons that are utterly ruined because I must endure the obnoxious Buck/McCarver team ruining the broadcast and following FOX's typical modus operandi. For six excruciating weeks - from now through the end of July - we will be subjected to these two clowns (especially McCarver, who is a double-clown) trying to make themselves the story instead of the game they are broadcasting.
Saturday afternoon games in mid-summer should be all about the atmosphere..... the crowd noise, the players, your favorite team playing in the warm sun as people cheer them on.
Instead, we get knitting needles shoved in our ears and scrambling our brains. We get over-the-top graphics, incessant "expert" opinion, biased broadcasting, obnoxious, intrusive graphics and of course, the overdubbed fake "SWOOSH" noise that is inserted with each pitch.
Rupert Mudoch is loathsome.
Just sayin'
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