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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Here's an Idea ... CALL THE GAME.

I got this from the "Awful Announcing" website, and I just had to vent about it.

I cannot STAND these asses.
And ESPN proves its arrogance and ineptitude by not firing them.
There's not a shot in the world I will watch Sunday Night Baseball - even when the Red Sox are on. (and I think there will be one more this season).
What idiotic drivel. The Awful Announcer guy is lucky. HE can find th humor in this stuff, but I just get aggravated.
I'm all for enjoying stupid banter once in a while, but that is crap ... Joe Morgan is incompetent.

There. Nuff said.

Who's Ready for Some Joe Morgan Trivia?
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
"I caught the very end of this the other night and it made me laugh, but it wasn't until reader Skip emailed me the transcript of the whole conversation that I understood exactly how funny it was. Joe Morgan decided to ask Jon Miller a question and what started as an opinion based discussion turned into a fishing trivia contest ending with talk of Snake (Kurt Russel) in Escape for New York. ...

"Jon, I gotta ask you a trivia question. I was fishing with Matt Franco, used to play for the Mets. I was fishing with him on a boat, and Matt Franco asked me this trivia question. He said he had talked to players past and present. He asked me, Which guy hit the hardest line drives most consistently of all I'd ever seen. Hardest line drives."- Joe Morgan
"That's a trivia question?"- Jon Miller
"Well, it was for me and him. We were playing trivia on the fishing boat."- Joe"
Where would I look up the answer to that?"- Jon
"Well, you should know the answer!"- Joe"
Give me the question one more time."- Jon
"All right. Who hits the hardest line drives of any player you ever saw on a consistent basis?"- Joe
"Dave Winfield."- Jon
"All right, keep going. That's one. That's "A". "A" wasn't right.- Joe
[Loud Laughs] "Yes it was right! I beg to differ!"- Jon
"I'm gonna give you, uhh … I'm gonna give … I'm gonna give you a hint. You even broadcast games for him."- Joe
[Long Pause] "I broadcast Dave Winfield's games."- Jon
"No … for the answer, I'm talking about. I'm telling you, he asked all the other players. I'm not saying—"- Joe
"Well, I'm saying, this is a question for which there is no correct answer."- Jon
"Yeah, there's a correct answer."- Joe
"Well, what did you say? What was your answer? Did you get it right?"- Jon
"Yes." [pause] "Al Oliver."- Joe
"Oh, Al Oliver. He was—"- Jon
"See!"- Joe
"He was a very good line drive hitter."- Jon
"I knew you would say that. See, I knew that you'd eventually come up with the answer."- Joe
[then they have some Al Oliver and Dave Winfield Talk]
"It was interesting because Matt Franco said if I got the answer correct, he would introduce to his cousin … the actor … Kurt Russell. And I said, 'Okay.'- Joe
"That's his cousin?"- Jon
"That's his cousin."- Joe
[Laughs] "So when did you meet Kurt?"- Jon
"Well I haven't met him yet. I just answered it last week."- Joe
"Well, what's taken him so long? We're in L.A. Kurt could have been here tonight. Or maybe he wants to wait till you're in New York, and we can help Kurt Russell … escape from New York."- Jon'
"Yeah, that was a great movie. Snake Plissken. The Snake."- Joe
"You want to meet him bad, don't you?"- Jon
"Yeah, that was his … That was his name. Snake."- Joe

"... Only these two could ever have a dialog like this during a two-run game in the 8th inning..." (Awful Announcing)

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