OK ... I know it is FRIGIDLY cold today.
And it will be tomorrow also.
But because this state (RI, which stands for Ridiculous Ignoramuses) had an outrageously overblown SNAFU last year when it snowed during a school day, most school systems closed for the day. Naturally, due to an unprecedented error in forecasting (NOT), it only snowed in the very southern part of the state. Now last year, when it snowed all in the middle of the day, everyone attempted to drive home at the same time, and that caused complete statewide gridlock, which also prevented any sanders/plows from clearing the roads. Thus, there were some school buses still on the roads hours later.
People had a shit-fit.
The governor was out of state, and there followed a nightmare of finger-pointing and douchebagery that resulted in the firing of:
a) The WRONG person - and one who was invaluable to the state
b) Widespread panic reminiscent of an Amish day trip to a zipper factory.
In ANY case, we now have the local rag reporting on the storm that never was ... and the comments that are being posted by the citizenry are HI-larious...
Ladies and gentlemen... I bring you RO-DI-lunders at their best. Enjoy.
"Another stupid move --- my god, 15degrees no snow and now what will they do for Friday????? Only Rhode Island!!"
"Yes..pretty soon they'll be closing school whenever there's "weather" in the forecast."
"Good way to raise wimpy kids. Absurd to close schools due to cold. Its WINTER! "
"Very surprised, this is New England right? I know how to dress for extreme cold and I think most of us do. I remember bundling up my daughter when she was young. I'm still trying to figure out why classes are cancelled? Why don't we just put bubble wrap around all the kids in this country from now on. Sorry, when I was a kid there were metal playgrounds, no bike helmets, we ate what we ate and went outside to play in winter. Jeez people get a grip!! Children are not going to freeze to death, this madness has to stop or the next few generations won't be able to handle anything!"
"We're raising a generation of entitled wimps."
"I was very surprised to hear that Providence Schools were cancelled last night. I understand the reasoning, but it was a bad call. Suppose we end up with below normal temps for a whole week, do you cancel school for a week? Now my kids are home sucking up all the heat/electricity!"
"Im not that old, but when I was a kid I walked to school. It was about 1 to 2 miles and it was indeed uphill one way. I remember my hair freezing solid when I got to school too bad, you still had to be there. This country/state are turning our kids into a bunch of Sallys. Everyone is afraid of harming the children. I have 2 girls and there certainly things out there that they need protection from. However, you need to draw the line somewhere and stop overprotecting them. If were not careful these kids are going to grow up with no way of getting through the tough times which life throws at them because they are going to be soft. Toughen up people winter hats, scarfs and gloves will do the trick."
"It is an overreaction. It seems that the decision was made based on weather forecasts that were then hyped by an ever desperate media." (YES !!!!!)
"I am so angry about the continual knee jerk reaction to 3" of snow. Come on folks, show some common sense. I don't care that you don't want to get in trouble like last year. Our kids should be in school. The first day of summer vacation is going to be Independence Day if you keep going at this rate!"
"This is getting insane people! We are raising our children like VEAL...think about it. If this continues, they will be weak adults and our country will eventually be "eaten". Let's toughen up and prepare for what's coming...it's not going to be pretty."
"I used to have to walk to school in 3 feet of snow, with below zero temperatures, uphill both ways..."
"Your kids are going to be the biggest bunch of pansies. i don't ever remember getting school off because its cold out. heck we never got any snow days either."
"Close school because it's too cold ? The kids today are a bunch of pampered wussies !"
"Tomorrow they will complain about children playing to much xbox and watching to much TV."
"Too many schools are jumping the gun on this. It is absolutely ridiculous. You do not see people in other states that have constant snow canceling school. But ONLY IN RI. Who cares its cold dress you kid in layers and send them to school. Oh wait are they afraid of them freezing waiting for the busses. I could see that if the kids actually waited outside, but 90% of them get picked up right at their door and wait inside so they hold up traffic slowly walking out. The state is sooo backwards..."
"I'm not surprised...no one in RI can handle any adversity. What would they do if they lived in Buffalo, NY or anywhere in Minnesota??? Toughen up...bunch of marshmallows in RI!!"
"We're raising a nation of sissies."
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