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Monday, January 19, 2009

Credit Where Credit is Due

OK, in my opinion, here are the top 3 most irresponsible jobs in existence today...

1) Cable news host, pundit or "expert".
2) Weather forecasters.
3) Mass murderers.

As might be guessed, this opinion has been formed as a result of days of incorrect forecasts regarding the local weather. I think the biggest issue I have is that they must fill endless minutes of air-time to show off their most colorful, interactive, HD graphic display programs, and then follow it up with 10-15 seconds of forecasts provided in the most absolute terms...when again and again it's proven that they CANNOT predict with such certainty. As a result, however, endless business, schools, government operations are delayed/cancelled/planned around these utterly fallible forecasts.
It's ridiculous.

Happy Monday.

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