"I remember... It was way back in the '90's ... I was just young then. Just a kid ... wet behind the ears, just out of combat training and ichin' for a fight.
And that's what we got when we landed. A fight. And some flowers. And a song. And some food, and a little tray with pinafores. They were wickend good, too.
But there were bullets flying everywhere. I could hear them. I know I could. Some people even had guns."
"I'll always remember us flying in over Poland..."
"Over POLAND?"
"I don't think I'll EVER get over Poland..."
"Scared? Sure I was scared, but I knew how important this trip was. We HAD to deliver comedians and flowers to these poor people. Never surrender."
"And then it happened... bullets whizzing over our heads ... carnage and fear all around us...
that little girl - she sang to us. So brave... she could have forgotten the words, for God's sake. This was no place for an innocent little one. My GOD."
I'll always remember this like it was yesterday. Which was Sunday, right?
No? What day was it? I forget.
Clinton Wounded By Bosnia Comments
The brouhaha over Sen. Hillary Clinton's sniper-infested description of her trip to Bosnia in 1996 reached a crescendo in the media in the last 24 hours, despite efforts by Clinton to defuse the situation. In addition to being the butt of late-night comedian jokes, all three network news broadcasts last night led with critical coverage of Clinton, with the CBS Evening News running footage of three instances in the last few months of Clinton claiming to have been vexed by sniper fire during the event. ABC World News reported in a lengthy and negative piece, "In light of the Bosnia incident, Clinton's other foreign policy experience will now face tougher scrutiny," and correspondent Jake Tapper added, "The bottom line is, Senator Clinton's biggest claim on the presidency is her perceived experience. Her biggest weakness as a candidate, is the fact that so many Americans do not trust her. The fact that her biggest weakness could undercut her biggest strength is potentially devastating." NBC Nightly News reported that Clinton "further clarified her comments about dodging sniper fire" after "pictures showed her receiving a warm welcome." Bloomberg News reports Clinton "and her staff said she misspoke when saying she landed under sniper fire during a March 1996 trip to Bosnia as first lady." In Greensburg, Pennsylvania, Clinton said, "I did make a mistake in talking about it the last time, and recently. I made a mistake. I have a different memory. That happens. I'm human. For some people that's a revelation."
You know what? shut up. You lied. SEVERAL times. You FORGOT? You don't remember whether there were snipers firing at you or not? That's utter bullshit. And you also forgot that you don't have a southern accent several months ago when you had that fake one?
You have a credibility problem - self-inflicted. Believe it or not, the American people want someone as their president WHO DOESN'T LIE. But it appears that, well, a Clinton is a Clinton. How DARE you be hurt or offended.
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