From today's online Providence Journal:
Johnston, RI man escapes from federal prison
March 18, 2008 Providence Journal
Federal authorities are searching for a Johnston, RI man who escaped a federal prison where he was serving a sentence for tax fraud.
Federal authorities say Rocco DeSimone escaped from the Fairton Federal Correctional Institution in Fairton, N.J., Saturday after FBI agents executed a search warrant at his home on Hopkins Avenue in connection with a money laundering investigation.
DeSimone acted as a broker in 1999 to sell "Canal at Zaandam," a painting by the French impressionist Claude Monet for $4.6 million. However, he reported to the seller, New York art dealer Janet Traeger Salz, that the work had brought only $2.7 million, and pocketed the $1.9-million difference, according to a federal indictment.
He was sentenced in June to serve 27 months in federal prison for tax crimes.
According to a news release today from the U.S. Marshals Service, on March 15 DeSimone’s wife, Gail DeSimone, called her husband, then flew to Philadelphia. At about 5 p.m., she rented a car at the airport.
Rocco DeSimone did not show for the 7 p.m. inmate count. Authorities say he escaped between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m.
Back in Rhode Island, agents said they saw a Pennsylvania rental car at the Hopkins Avenue home. Later in the day, the car had been returned to a Warwick rental agency.
A complaint was issued against Gail DeSimone for harboring an escaped prisoner, and she turned herself in yesterday. U.S. District Court Magistrate Judge Lincoln Almond released her to home confinement.
OK ...
THIS is you plan? THIS. IS. YOUR. PLAN????!!!
So you're in the clink for 27 months for tax evasion. You grabbed $1.9 million off the top from the Monet sale. And you got caught. What'd ya think was gonna happen? Think they'd forget about that little monetary descrepancy?
And, well... I know 27 months isn't a picnic, but it is also quite do-able.
#1 - WHY, after being caught, would you keep evidence of your money-laundering activity in your house? You already got caught & convicted for the picture scam. Why leave any evidence in your house from when you were trying to get rid of the loot?
I must assume this is why you felt you needed to get out of prison post-haste.
Like, you might have suggested that your wife maybe dump the inciminating paperwork before this? Or were you intending on picking this up as a side profession once you got out?
#2 - You HAD YOUR WIFE come get you? And bring you back home? In a rented car? She left a freakin' trail of incrimination all the way back to your HOUSE fer cryin' out loud!!! You know.. the one they have been watching because you left the money laundering evidence in it? Nooo ... they'll NEVER put this all together. No way.
A dead dog could follow that trail.
#3 - You CLEARLY suck at criminal activity, so what makes you think you can cut it out "on the lam"? Where are you gonna go? I can't believe you still have the $1.9 mill... don't they grab that back in these cases? Or did you already spend it all on "NE PAtriots 19-0" T-shirts and a new Wii?
Just for the sake of argument, let's suppose that you just couldn't stomach the idea of doing a whole 27 months in a rather non-oppressive federal pen (and look, I get that it's different things to different people and maybe, just maybe you couldn't handle it). And you just HAVE to get out. You now have incriminated your WIFE! Now SHE will do time. So any concept of you running away with HER is pretty much out of the question. Great relationship you have there. Man yu got it all workin', friend.
Let's see how long they take to catch you. Based on this profile, I'd say you're at a friend's house anyway. Ordering pizza with your own credit card.
I love it when a plan comes together.

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