And next we present to you Governor David Paterson. As you can see, he is intent on jumping the gun and getting right into the spirit of things right from the get-go. Blue suit, Michelle in a light blue jacket, but with no pearls. those are being saved for the public humiliation appearance later.

Governor Paterson promises to be MUCH more entertaining:
“Before y’all go diggin’ ‘round and find out stuff, I wanna let you know that I’ve done some things…
I had affairs.
My wife had affairs.
I’ve smoked pot.
And crack.
And meth.
And heroin.
Oh, and I’m a jewel thief.
I also took steroids to help my political career.
And I coveted Jose Canseco’s wife.
And, well.. the Lindbergh baby? Yeah, that was me.
Annnnd… I was also smoking in the bathroom on the Hindenberg, took a couple of shots from the grassy knoll in ’63,
and I accidentally pushed baby Jessica down that well.
But that’s it. I’m clean as a whistle otherwise.
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