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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

"This Just In...."

So I was getting a coffee this morning and the TV was turned to CNN HeadLine News – a complete JOKE of a channel, now.   It’s more like “The 24 hour TMZ” Channel.


Case in point: Along the bottom of the screen is a bright red, bold banner: BREAKING NEWS!
And what is this “BREAKING NEWS”?

“Nothing heard yet from jury deliberating on Casey Anthony trial…”

That’s what it said. Their “BREAKING NEWS” was that they hadn’t heard anything.
There news was that there was no news.

Obviously they were SO focused on this that they missed some of the OTHER major BREAKING NEWS stories of the day.

“Sunrise Occurred Just Around Dawn this Morning!!!!”

“Fat Kids Love Cake!!!”

“Males Use Internet to View Porn!!”

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