Kinda cool.
This kind of thing should already be in progress EVERYWHERE.
Of course, I have NO idea what kids will do now - we used ot be able to take out one streetlight with a well-thrown rock.

Big City, Brighter Lights: New York City’s New LED Streetlamp Plan
By Emily Stone 11.24.08 Wired Mag
After half a century of walking their dogs under the same old streetlamps, New Yorkers are ready for a new age of enlightenment. Gotham's own Office for Visual Interaction won an international competition to design a replacement. Its inspiration: LED headlights. "We took the same idea and made it vertical," OVI's Enrique Peiniger says. The new lamppost's 4-to 6-foot head boasts up to 100 LEDs with multiple lenses that can be configured to dial in specific lighting "footprints" of uniform brightness. For New York, the coverage patterns will be tailored for three distinct situations—park, street corner, and mid-block.
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