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Wednesday, December 31, 2008


It’s about to be a new year … and as I sit and reflect, I find I want to write a lilst of things to see in this new year…
Sort of a “bucket list” for 2009… both personal and otherwise.
Some are goals… some are attitude changes… some are wishes for the country or the world.
And some are just…. Thoughts.

In no particular order~

I want to be more level-headed, more responsible.
I want to be more thoughtful and understanding of others.
I want to train my mind to see the good in people before I see the bad.
I want to calmly speak what I feel and be more self-assertive when it’s proper.
I want to be more self confident.
I want to LAUGH more, and relax about life more.
I want to spend more time enjoying my friends ~ and doing things for them.
I want to fall in love with someone who will love me back.
I want to stop complaining about things and to condition myself to see the positive side of things.
I want to work hard and feel good about what I do.
I want people in my state to realize that we are all in a tough position now and to be willing to make sacrifices.
I want the politicians that represent us to do the right thing because it’s their job – and because it’s proper.
I want the next president to facilitate the healing that this country needs.
I want greed to stop being the overwhelming motivator in everything.
I want people to take responsibility for themselves and their actions.
I want to enjoy every single day I have…

I’m not demanding these things.
I’m not asking for them.
Most are things in MY control.

Like affirmations, I want to think them so much that I am able to make them happen…
I want to appreciate what I have….

I know these things won't happen unless I's up to me.
I also know I will fail at many of these…but I promise that every time I do, I will think hard … and start again.

I took that picture above one October a few years ago ... and whenever I look at it, I feel the calm warmth of that day and the wonder I felt at such beautiful things I've gotten to see.

Happy New Year...

C'mon 2009 !!!!

Happy new year comment from

May this coming year be happier, more fulfilling and mind-numbingly better than last year for you and everyone on this planetoid !!!


Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!!

Welcome Christmas! Bring your cheer.
Cheer to all Who's ~ far and near.

Christmas Day is in our grasp,
So long as we have hands to clasp.

Christmas Day will always be,
Just as long as we have we.

Welcome Christmas, while we stand,
Heart to heart And Hand in hand
T. Geisel 

Friday, December 19, 2008

Neo? Or Neo-Con>?

Love this!
Coutesy of:
The New Matrix...


The Nixon story dominated my junior & senior years of high school. I couldn't BELIEVE that a president and an administration could or would do such things as they did. I watched as President Nixon went from a dominating, controlled political figure and leader to a broken man - all live on TV. It was a severe lesson in politics, humanity, patriotism and the machinations of this county. It affected the way I thought about America. It made me look at history differently. It made us question what our leaders were doing in our names or behind our backs.

Mark Felt played a big part in that. And he himself had his issues, as you can read near the end of this article. the most fascinating thing, though, is the fact that after EVERYTHING went down, and Felt was on trial himself 8 years later, Mr. Nixon himself TESTIFIED on his behalf!!!


W. Mark Felt, 'Deep Throat' of Watergate, dead at 95
(CNN) -- W. Mark Felt, who leaked information to reporters under the moniker, "Deep Throat," about the Watergate break-in, died Thursday at the age of 95, sources told CNN.
Rob Jones, Felt's grandson, said his grandfather died at his home in Santa Rosa, California. According to published reports, Felt died of congestive heart failure.
Felt admitted in a 2005 Vanity Fair article he was the Washington Post's source for many of its 400 stories on the Watergate affair during the early 1970s. The Watergate break-in eventually led to the 1974 resignation of President Richard Nixon.
"I'm proud of everything that Deep Throat did," Felt, 92, told CNN's "Larry King Live" in 2006, his first public interview on the subject.
Felt's entanglement with history occurred in 1972 after the bungled break-in at the Democratic National Party offices in the
Watergate hotel. Felt, an associate director at the FBI, said he was unhappy with the way the administration meddled with the investigation into the break-in, which led him to divulge information to the newspaper. Watch how Felt played a pivotal role in presidential history »
Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward, then-rookie reporters with the Washington Post, did stories about the break-in and subsequent cover-up. Both men credited Felt for helping them, but Bernstein said Felt was a tough interview.
"He didn't leak. He had to really be squeezed," Bernstein said in a 2006 interview. "He confirmed mostly what we had gotten elsewhere. He didn't want to volunteer a lot of information, yet his role was essential in giving us a solidity and a knowledge that what we were reporting was right."
When King asked
Felt whether he felt he had done anything wrong in going outside approved channels to get information out, Felt was unequivocal.
"I thought I was doing the right thing," he said.
Felt, who retired from the FBI in 1973, had his own legal problems. He was convicted in 1980 on conspiracy charges for authorizing government agents to break into homes without search warrants in a hunt for bombing suspects in 1972 and 1973.
When the case went to trial, former President Nixon testified on Felt's behalf. Felt was eventually pardoned in 1981 by President Ronald Reagan.
When asked how he would like to be remembered, Felt said, "I'd like to be remembered as a government employee who did his best to help everybody."

Sock and Awe

Completely irreverent .... but funny.
Play here:


LED Streetlights

Kinda cool.
This kind of thing should already be in progress EVERYWHERE.

Of course, I have NO idea what kids will do now - we used ot be able to take out one streetlight with a well-thrown rock.

Big City, Brighter Lights: New York City’s New LED Streetlamp Plan
By Emily Stone
11.24.08 Wired Mag
After half a century of walking their dogs under the same old streetlamps, New Yorkers are ready for a new age of enlightenment. Gotham's own Office for Visual Interaction won an international competition to design a replacement. Its inspiration: LED headlights. "We took the same idea and made it vertical," OVI's Enrique Peiniger says. The new lamppost's 4-to 6-foot head boasts up to 100 LEDs with multiple lenses that can be configured to dial in specific lighting "footprints" of uniform brightness. For New York, the coverage patterns will be tailored for three distinct situations—park, street corner, and mid-block.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

This BARELY Makes a Difference.

So I see this headline and almost didn't bother to read it .... but for some reason I opened the link and scanned the article.  And WOULDN'T YOU KNOW ~ there's my own capital city right there in the middle.  Of COURSE a polar bear exhibit is an infrastructure job and not pork at all!  
How many times can I becoem infuriated with the way politicians run my city, stae and country?
It's so disheartening.


Mayors' infrastructure request full of pork, critic says

By Abbie Boudreau and Scott Zamost, CNN Special Investigations Unit  12/18/08

(CNN) -- A report to Congress that requests $73.2 billion to pay for infrastructure projects around the country includes plans for a polar bear exhibit, an anti-prostitution program, a water park ride, zoos, museums and aquatic centers, CNN has found.

The U.S. Conference of Mayors went to Capitol Hill earlier this month with a report listing 11,391 infrastructure projects proposed by 427 cities. The mayors claimed the proposal would create 847,641 jobs in 2009 and 2010.

The more than 800-page document is titled "Main Street Economic Recovery: 'Ready To Go' Jobs and Infrastructure Projects."

"Our plan calls for investments that will stimulate our economy by quickly creating jobs, fixing our aging and crumbling infrastructure, increasing our global competitiveness, and further reducing our carbon footprint," Miami, Florida, Mayor Manny Diaz said at a news conference last week. Accompanied by other big-city mayors, he held up a copy of the hefty report to stress its importance.

"To reverse the current economic crisis, we must invest wisely. We must invest where we get the greatest return. We must invest in Main Street," said Diaz, who is the president of the mayors' group.

But a close examination of the projects by CNN shows proposals that go far beyond basic infrastructure plans for roads, bridges and other traditional public works projects.

Among the many requests is one for a $4.8 million polar bear exhibit at the Providence, Rhode Island, zoo. The zoo's director said it's needed to boost attendance.

"I am advocating for the zoo as something that will stimulate the economy in Providence," said Jack Mulvena, director of Roger Williams Park Zoo.

Pete Sepp, vice president of the National Taxpayers Union, said the polar bear exhibit and many of the other proposals in the report are just plain pork.

"To the people supporting them, these proposals aren't a joke, but to the taxpayers funding them, yes -- this will be a joke for them, only they won't be laughing," Sepp said.

When asked by CNN if he had read the entire report, Diaz said he had "read through a lot of it."

"Obviously, I didn't sit there and look at all 11,300 projects that were submitted," the mayor said, explaining that he didn't have the time to do so.

"It's hard for me to judge the particular needs that a particular city may have. It could very well be that some cities could perceive these as economic development projects," Diaz told CNN. "You can't simply just say because something sounds like it isn't right, that it isn't in fact right."

When pressed, Diaz acknowledged he was not aware of the proposal for a new $1.5 million water ride at the Grapeland Water Park in his own city. But he defended paying for parks as part of infrastructure projects.

CNN also found in the U.S. Conference of Mayors' report a proposed $20 million minor league baseball museum in Durham, North Carolina; $6.1 million for corporate jet hangars at the Fayetteville, Arkansas, airport; $20 million for renovations at the Philadelphia Zoo; and a $1.5 million program to reduce prostitution in Dayton, Ohio. Officials in those cities told CNN the projects were needed.

"People make judgments about the safety of a community by the level of social disorder. Street-level prostitution is clearly a social disorder," said Dayton Police Chief Richard Biehl, defending his city's proposal to hire social workers and provide residential treatment programs for prostitutes.

Those projects -- plus money for aquatic centers, museums, bike paths, zoos, skateboard parks, dog and equestrian parks, police department stun guns, tree planting and murals -- total $376.5 million.

Diaz said projects such as museums are important.

"There are plenty of museums that I think people would argue that are part of a fabric of a city," Diaz said.

Sepp strongly disagrees.

"It's impossible for any normal taxpaying American to read this and not come away scratching their head and saying, 'Wait a minute, this isn't about infrastructure,'" Sepp said. "This is about political power grabs, money grabs."

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Killing Me Softly

You’re KIDDING, right???
I can’t get a decent DATE and this guy …THIS GUY … is “engaged” to his 5th wife – and a suspect in at LEAST 2 of the previous ones' deaths?????!!!!!

AND she's 23?

WTF??!!! Douchebagery abounds.....

Drew Peterson says he's engaged to be married
Publicist confirms commitment to 23-year-old woman despite missing wife news services 12/17/08

Drew Peterson, the retired Illinois police sergeant who gained national attention after he was suspected in his third wife's disappearance, is engaged to be married again, his publicist said Wednesday.
Peterson's publicist Glenn Selig confirmed the engagement to a 23-year-old woman to NBC's Chicago affiliate, WMAQ, after it was first reported by CBS News. The woman's name was not revealed for privacy reasons.
Selig said that the 54-year-old Peterson made this decision to remarry because he wanted to be happy and was trying to move forward with his life.
Peterson confirmed that the woman accepted, despite the fact he's also a suspect in the death of his third wife, Kathleen Savio, and implicated in the disappearance of his fourth wife, Stacy Peterson, to whom he is still married. .....

Monday, December 8, 2008

Niceness was Brewin'

Sometimes I forget that people can actually just be nice...

Of course, what this piece DIDn'T tell us was that #54 was drawn and quartered for not keeping it going.   After all, there's a price to pay....  Hee.

Monday, December 1, 2008

"I Have a BAAAAD Feeling About This...!"

All Indiana Jones quotes aside, I can't help but believe that this is a bad decision. I completely understand and admire the courage in Mr. Obama choosing a select 'team of rivals' to fill his administration. But this, in my humble opinion, will only cause issues down the road.

'Nuff said.

however, the decision's been made, so I SINCERELY hope it proves to be a wise one. We have no real room for mistakes anymore ~ not with what has been wrought by the current administration.