So.. here are the stories of the day as I saw them this morning at the gym….
These are IN THE ORDER OF IMPORTANCE THAT THEY WERE GIVEN across all of the cable-drivel channels (MSNBC, FOXNEWS, CNN).
“Britney leaves hospital; Leads media on OJ-like chase; Parents fear for her life”
Personal Note: Media won’t be happy until they can cause her to do something outrageous - & ultimately WANT her to kill herself. On camera.
These are IN THE ORDER OF IMPORTANCE THAT THEY WERE GIVEN across all of the cable-drivel channels (MSNBC, FOXNEWS, CNN).
“Britney leaves hospital; Leads media on OJ-like chase; Parents fear for her life”
Personal Note: Media won’t be happy until they can cause her to do something outrageous - & ultimately WANT her to kill herself. On camera.
“Hillary loaned $5 million to her own campaign;”
One set of pundits say it’s a ploy to get more money, like her crying.
Another set of pundits say she has tapped out all the traditional Dem donators, but blew the $ taking private flights instead of on the press plane, etc, etc…
Personal Note: DON’T CARE.
One set of pundits say it’s a ploy to get more money, like her crying.
Another set of pundits say she has tapped out all the traditional Dem donators, but blew the $ taking private flights instead of on the press plane, etc, etc…
Personal Note: DON’T CARE.
“McNamee gives ‘physical evidence’ to federal prosecutors – syringes he says were used to inject Clemens
Personal Note: “WHO saves something like that? How can that be true? And if it is, what – Roger’s FRIEND saved evidence to set him up years later??”
Personal Note: “WHO saves something like that? How can that be true? And if it is, what – Roger’s FRIEND saved evidence to set him up years later??”
The US admitted yesterday that it DOES, in fact, maintain a secret facility WITHIN its Guantanamo Bay naval base that is called “Camp 7”.
This camp holds 15 “high value” detainees, who are allegedly al Quada operatives. The location of he camp on the base is held in strict secrecy, because eof fear of a terrorist attack.
Personal Note: How long are we gonna allow people to push this level of secret behavior without accountability? It’s been proven time and again that, if unsupervised by outside groups & authorities, there is a tendency for abuse of power and illegal activities. No, I don’t want to be attacked by terrorists, HOWEVER, we are a land of rules and laws, and the ENTIRE POINT of our country is that we FOLLOW these laws that we, ourselves, set up. For example: waterboarding. How is it that we declared it torture when the Chinese performed it, the North Vietnamese did it, and the Mexicans did it … all at different times in history. YET, in THESE times our leaders, attny general, and PRESIDENT play word games as if we are stupid citizens. If it was torture then, it’s torture now. I don’t say we make it a country club, but we follow the rules.
Personal Note: How long are we gonna allow people to push this level of secret behavior without accountability? It’s been proven time and again that, if unsupervised by outside groups & authorities, there is a tendency for abuse of power and illegal activities. No, I don’t want to be attacked by terrorists, HOWEVER, we are a land of rules and laws, and the ENTIRE POINT of our country is that we FOLLOW these laws that we, ourselves, set up. For example: waterboarding. How is it that we declared it torture when the Chinese performed it, the North Vietnamese did it, and the Mexicans did it … all at different times in history. YET, in THESE times our leaders, attny general, and PRESIDENT play word games as if we are stupid citizens. If it was torture then, it’s torture now. I don’t say we make it a country club, but we follow the rules.
Secretary Rice makes a “surprise” visit to Afghanistan.
Personal Note: Thanks, Condi. I was thinking that things might not be going so well there, what with Pakistan being a MESS, and all attention focused on Iraq, where it’s really going swimmingly now (not). But you have helped by secretly going there to state that things are going great. Whew!! Hey, while your over there, maybe could you pick up a rock or two and look under them for that bin Laden guy? Check the hotels while your there, too. And don’t just go by the names on the register … he might have used a fake one … He’s pretty sneaky, you know.
Personal Note: Thanks, Condi. I was thinking that things might not be going so well there, what with Pakistan being a MESS, and all attention focused on Iraq, where it’s really going swimmingly now (not). But you have helped by secretly going there to state that things are going great. Whew!! Hey, while your over there, maybe could you pick up a rock or two and look under them for that bin Laden guy? Check the hotels while your there, too. And don’t just go by the names on the register … he might have used a fake one … He’s pretty sneaky, you know.
The Republicans…strict Republicans .. who like to call themselves REAL REPUBLICANS … HATE John McCain. Even though the people voting for Republicans are voting FOR HIM. That’s not good enough. It’s disgusting, you see. He plays well with others and sometimes tries to get things done. But he doesn’t have this unreasonable attitude of intolerance for everyone else’s opnion. He doesn’t throw the legislature into a stalemate. So he is evil. He’s ruining the extreme conservatives talk shows, and he probably likes trees and stuff. And hates torture of people who you think might be bad.
Personal Note: Ummm.. I got nothin’
Personal Note: Ummm.. I got nothin’
People are living under bridges in Florida because they are sex offenders and the increasingly prohibitive rules simply don’t allow for these people to LIVE ANYWHERE. So the government is forcing these people to leave. These are people who have done their time and have been legally released, yet no one will employ them, and the good people of each town are having legal “contests” to see who can make the most restrictive and prohibitive laws.
Personal Note: Super. So now they are forced from where they are and it’s already been documented that several people have completely disappeared. They now DON’T report in as they are supposed to. Some are LIVING IN THE EVERGLADES. But really… we want to lose track of these people who have been following the laws, only the laws won’t let them live. Perfect NIMBY mentality. Won’t Y’ALL be surprised when something happens?
Personal Note: Super. So now they are forced from where they are and it’s already been documented that several people have completely disappeared. They now DON’T report in as they are supposed to. Some are LIVING IN THE EVERGLADES. But really… we want to lose track of these people who have been following the laws, only the laws won’t let them live. Perfect NIMBY mentality. Won’t Y’ALL be surprised when something happens?
AND LAST … and apparently LEAST…. “There’s a patch of bad weather in the middle of the country.”
Something about wind or something. They didn’t really have time to go into it because on all 3 channels they had to get back to the replay of Britney “on the lam”.
As Barry McGuire said about 40 years ago …. “And you don’t believe we’re on the eve of destruction.”
As Barry McGuire said about 40 years ago …. “And you don’t believe we’re on the eve of destruction.”
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