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Friday, February 8, 2008

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

So I'm on the elliptical machine this morning for my workout at the gym. The TV's are on and they are highlighting the terrible story about the man in Kirkwood, Mo. who shot & killed 5 people and wounded several others at a city council meeting. This obviously troubled man had had a series of problems with the city regarding tickets, public disturbances, disorderly conduct, and a failed law suit regarding his First Ammendment rights.

As I'm watching, his mother is being interviewed on FoxNews, by a local affiliate. She stated that her son's actions weren't his fault, and that "they were an act of God."

At that moment (as I was rolling my eyes), I glanced down at the elliptical machine; the calory counter at that exact moment read "666".

Just sayin'.

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