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Thursday, November 8, 2007

Focks Gnues Rools !!!

While at the gym today, running my miles on the 'dread-mill', I had the misfortune of picking a machine directly in front of a TV that had the Fox News channel on it.

(Aside) ...I personally think that it would be better if they put any TV with that channel on it behind me, since I would run as fast as I could the OTHER WAY. It'd give me a much better workout.

Aaaanyway, they had the closed captioning on, and they were going over entertainment news. Apparently Jennifer Lopez is pregnant, and, I dunno ... I guess I'm happy for her or whatever.
So glad you can procreate. I GUESS that counts as entertainment news.
Isn't she BRAVE to take on the responsibilities of parenting? (get it? Her new CD is called 'Brave'). Yeah, I know... STFU... OK, OK.

No, the thing that was REALLY entertaining was the closed caption.
It said: "Jay Lowell pregnant...."

Why do I think, for some reason, that the manual task of typing for closed captioning is outsourced to somewhere VERY, VERY FAR AWAY.

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