This morning ... during the weather on Fox News' "Fox & Friends", (currently holding a strong lead in the contest for "Worst Piece of Crap EVER") , I was told in closed captioning that a apparently a woman named "Alba Kirky is hot" today.
Almost fell off the treadmill.
What star system are these people from anyway?
Alphabet Story ?

Tuesday, November 27, 2007
'Tis the Season !!!
Whew!!! Aaaaaannnd it's Christmas time once again.
How do I know?
Because EVERY commercial on TV is now telling me that I am not a man unless I buy my girl diamonds or a new car.
Of course! What was I thinking. A true expression of love cannot be made with small-ticket items, or heartfelt sentiment, or a personalized little token to show that one person is thinking of another. Nooooo!
It must have 4 -8 intermittently activated cylinders, full leather interior and independent back seat DVD systems. Oh, and a high end navigation system (which IS pretty cool, but that's besides the point).
And it CAN'T be the holidays unless every woman is presented with diamonds. Many. Multiple sizes. In front of children, so that the gluttonous, insincere tradition can be stamped into their psyche, making sure that they always remember that parental & spousal neglect can be remedied with SHINY STUFF !!! Naturally.
How do I know?
Because EVERY commercial on TV is now telling me that I am not a man unless I buy my girl diamonds or a new car.
Of course! What was I thinking. A true expression of love cannot be made with small-ticket items, or heartfelt sentiment, or a personalized little token to show that one person is thinking of another. Nooooo!
It must have 4 -8 intermittently activated cylinders, full leather interior and independent back seat DVD systems. Oh, and a high end navigation system (which IS pretty cool, but that's besides the point).
And it CAN'T be the holidays unless every woman is presented with diamonds. Many. Multiple sizes. In front of children, so that the gluttonous, insincere tradition can be stamped into their psyche, making sure that they always remember that parental & spousal neglect can be remedied with SHINY STUFF !!! Naturally.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Fluid Dynamics in the Office
Point of Note:
The standard HP computer keyboard holds 1/3 - 1/2 of a cup of coffee.
It also takes an entire roll of paper towels and one half hour to clean up so that none of the kkkkkkeys sttttttickkkkkkkkkkkkk.

Giving the Bird ...
From US News & World Report:
Bush Turkey Pardon Lampooned
Bush Turkey Pardon Lampooned
In Washington Post column, Dana Milbank says the White House press corps "strutted their stuff" yesterday as they awaited President Bush in the Rose Garden. Bush was there to officially pardon a Thanksgiving turkey (plus a back-up). Their names? "May" and "Flower." Milbank writes, "Somebody said the two birds should be named 'Scooter' and 'Libby.' Another proposal: 'Ramos' and 'Compean' -- the two imprisoned border agents whose pardons CNN's Lou Dobbs fervently seeks." Meanwhile, "Ken Herman of Cox News feared that Bush would ship the birds off to Gitmo, where they would be 'water-basted.'
Monday, November 19, 2007
Meaning that it's time to proudly bring back the symbol of Thanksgiving festivus....
Tryptophan Tom ...
Tryptophan Tom ...
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Tired of the Games
RE: The Article Reposted Below:
I am sure people will simply say that "this is done everywhere", and that it's an insignificant part of the election process, but guess what? That doesn't matter. Hillary Clinton does not get my vote because of repeated displays of phony-ness by her and her campaign.
I am an Independent voter.
And I will chose who I vote for by who I feel is the best candidate, not by their party affiliation. In fact, to me, the development of party affiliation as it has developed, appears to have prevented progress and proper governing. That, however, is a rant for another day
I have now heard Ms. Clinton campaign in a"fake" accent, contradict herself in her statements, and now allow questions to be planted at campaign events.
If there is a statement of policy or opinion that a candidate wishes to get out, then MAKE THE STATEMENT. Don't play games by pretending that you are having a discourse with the electorate.
If there is NOTHING that candidates should have learned ... hell, that HILLARY should have learned ... it's that honesty is paramount in an elected official.
I find this ridiculous.
Am I naive?
No. I am not. And even if I was about this subject, so what? It's my right to expect proper behavior from someone who wants to be the president of this country.
I demand honesty from that person.
Do I need to know every detail as they run the country? No. That would be unwise to expect or require ... and THAT is why I need to TRUST the person.
Hillary Clinton, like the current administration, has not been honest with me.
How can I trust this person?
She can go away now.
No vote for you.
GRINNELL, Iowa (CNN) -- The college student who says she was told what question to ask at one of New York Sen. Hillary Clinton's campaign events said Monday that "voters have the right to know what happened" and she wasn't the only one who was planted.
Student Muriel Gallo-Chasanoff said a staffer told her what to ask at a campaign event for Sen. Hillary Clinton.
In an exclusive taped interview with CNN, Muriel Gallo-Chasanoff, a 19-year-old sophomore at Grinnell College in Grinnell, Iowa, said that giving anyone specific questions to ask is "dishonest," and the whole incident has given her a negative outlook on politics.
Gallo-Chasanoff, whose story was first reported in the campus newspaper, said what happened was really pretty simple: She says a senior Clinton staffer asked if she'd like to ask the senator a question after an energy speech the Democratic presidential hopeful gave in Newton, Iowa, on November 6.
"I sort of thought about it, and I said 'Yeah, can I ask how her energy plan compares to the other candidates' energy plans?'" Gallo-Chasanoff said.
"'I don't think that's a good idea," the staffer said, according to Gallo-Chasanoff, "because I don't know how familiar she is with their plans."
He then opened a binder to a page that, according to Gallo-Chasanoff, had about eight questions on it.
"The top one was planned specifically for a college student," she added. " It said 'college student' in brackets and then the question."
Topping that sheet of paper was the following: "As a young person, I'm worried about the long-term effects of global warming. How does your plan combat climate change?"
And while she said she would have rather used her own question, Gallo-Chasanoff said she generally didn't have a problem asking the campaign's because she "likes to be agreeable," adding that since she told the staffer she'd ask their pre-typed question she "didn't want to go back on [her] word."
Clinton campaign spokesman Mo Elleithee has said in a statement responding to the initial campus article that the senator "did not know which questioners she was calling on during the event."
Gallo-Chasanoff wasn't so sure.
"I don't know whether Hillary knew what my question was going to be, but it seemed like she knew to call on me because there were so many people, and ... I was the only college student in that area," she said.
In a statement, the campaign also added, "On this occasion a member of our staff did discuss a possible question about Senator Clinton's energy plan at a forum. ... This is not standard policy and will not be repeated again."
Gallo-Chasanoff may have some doubts about that one as well.
"After the event," she said, "I heard another man ... talking about the question he asked, and he said that the campaign had asked him to ask that question."
The man she references prefaced his question by saying that it probably didn't have anything to do with energy, and then posed the following: "I wonder what you propose to do to create jobs for the middle-class person, such as here in Newton where we lost Maytag."
A Maytag factory in Newton recently closed, forcing hundreds of people out of their jobs.
During the course of the late-night interview on Grinnell's campus, Gallo-Chasanoff also told CNN that the day before the school's newspaper, Scarlet and Black, printed the story, she wanted the reporter to inform the campaign out of courtesy to let them know it would be published.
She said the "head of publicity for the campaign," a man whose name she could not recall, had no factual disputes with the story. But, she added, a Clinton intern spoke to her to say the campaign requests she "not talk about" the story to any more media outlets and that if she did she should inform a staffer.
"I'm not under any real obligation to do that, and I haven't talked to [the campaign] anymore," Gallo-Chasanoff said, adding that she also doesn't plan to.
"If what I do is come and just be totally truthful, then that's all anyone can ask of me, and that's all I can ask of myself. So I'll feel good with what I've done. I'll feel like I've done the right thing."
Asked if this experience makes her less likely to support Clinton's presidential bid, Gallo-Chasanoff, an undecided voter, said, "I think she has a lot to offer, but I -- this experience makes me look at her campaign a little bit differently."
"The question and answer sessions -- especially in Iowa -- are really important. That's where the voters get to ... have like a real genuine conversation with this politician who could be representing them."
While she acknowledged "it's possible that all campaigns do these kind of tactics," she said it still doesn't make it right.
"Personally I want to know that I have someone who's honest representing me."
Calls placed to representatives from the Clinton campaign late Monday night were not immediately returned.
Gallo-Chasanoff's story comes at a time when a second person has also come forward with a similar one. Geoffrey Mitchell of Hamilton, Illinois, a town located on the Iowa border, told CNN the Clinton campaign also wanted him to ask a certain question at an Iowa event in April.
"He asked me if I would ask Sen. Clinton about ways she was going to confront the president on the war in Iraq, specifically war funding," said Geoffrey Mitchell, a supporter of Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois. "I told him it was not a question I felt comfortable with."
No questions were taken at the event. Elleithee said this incident was different than what happened with Gallo-Chasanoff in Newton. Elleithee said the staffer "bumped into someone he marginally knew" and during a conversation with Mitchell, "Iraq came up." Elleithee denied the campaign tried to plant him as a friendly questioner in the audience.
Mitchell said he had never met the staffer before the event.
I am sure people will simply say that "this is done everywhere", and that it's an insignificant part of the election process, but guess what? That doesn't matter. Hillary Clinton does not get my vote because of repeated displays of phony-ness by her and her campaign.
I am an Independent voter.
And I will chose who I vote for by who I feel is the best candidate, not by their party affiliation. In fact, to me, the development of party affiliation as it has developed, appears to have prevented progress and proper governing. That, however, is a rant for another day
I have now heard Ms. Clinton campaign in a"fake" accent, contradict herself in her statements, and now allow questions to be planted at campaign events.
If there is a statement of policy or opinion that a candidate wishes to get out, then MAKE THE STATEMENT. Don't play games by pretending that you are having a discourse with the electorate.
If there is NOTHING that candidates should have learned ... hell, that HILLARY should have learned ... it's that honesty is paramount in an elected official.
I find this ridiculous.
Am I naive?
No. I am not. And even if I was about this subject, so what? It's my right to expect proper behavior from someone who wants to be the president of this country.
I demand honesty from that person.
Do I need to know every detail as they run the country? No. That would be unwise to expect or require ... and THAT is why I need to TRUST the person.
Hillary Clinton, like the current administration, has not been honest with me.
How can I trust this person?
She can go away now.
No vote for you.
GRINNELL, Iowa (CNN) -- The college student who says she was told what question to ask at one of New York Sen. Hillary Clinton's campaign events said Monday that "voters have the right to know what happened" and she wasn't the only one who was planted.
Student Muriel Gallo-Chasanoff said a staffer told her what to ask at a campaign event for Sen. Hillary Clinton.
In an exclusive taped interview with CNN, Muriel Gallo-Chasanoff, a 19-year-old sophomore at Grinnell College in Grinnell, Iowa, said that giving anyone specific questions to ask is "dishonest," and the whole incident has given her a negative outlook on politics.
Gallo-Chasanoff, whose story was first reported in the campus newspaper, said what happened was really pretty simple: She says a senior Clinton staffer asked if she'd like to ask the senator a question after an energy speech the Democratic presidential hopeful gave in Newton, Iowa, on November 6.
"I sort of thought about it, and I said 'Yeah, can I ask how her energy plan compares to the other candidates' energy plans?'" Gallo-Chasanoff said.
"'I don't think that's a good idea," the staffer said, according to Gallo-Chasanoff, "because I don't know how familiar she is with their plans."
He then opened a binder to a page that, according to Gallo-Chasanoff, had about eight questions on it.
"The top one was planned specifically for a college student," she added. " It said 'college student' in brackets and then the question."
Topping that sheet of paper was the following: "As a young person, I'm worried about the long-term effects of global warming. How does your plan combat climate change?"
And while she said she would have rather used her own question, Gallo-Chasanoff said she generally didn't have a problem asking the campaign's because she "likes to be agreeable," adding that since she told the staffer she'd ask their pre-typed question she "didn't want to go back on [her] word."
Clinton campaign spokesman Mo Elleithee has said in a statement responding to the initial campus article that the senator "did not know which questioners she was calling on during the event."
Gallo-Chasanoff wasn't so sure.
"I don't know whether Hillary knew what my question was going to be, but it seemed like she knew to call on me because there were so many people, and ... I was the only college student in that area," she said.
In a statement, the campaign also added, "On this occasion a member of our staff did discuss a possible question about Senator Clinton's energy plan at a forum. ... This is not standard policy and will not be repeated again."
Gallo-Chasanoff may have some doubts about that one as well.
"After the event," she said, "I heard another man ... talking about the question he asked, and he said that the campaign had asked him to ask that question."
The man she references prefaced his question by saying that it probably didn't have anything to do with energy, and then posed the following: "I wonder what you propose to do to create jobs for the middle-class person, such as here in Newton where we lost Maytag."
A Maytag factory in Newton recently closed, forcing hundreds of people out of their jobs.
During the course of the late-night interview on Grinnell's campus, Gallo-Chasanoff also told CNN that the day before the school's newspaper, Scarlet and Black, printed the story, she wanted the reporter to inform the campaign out of courtesy to let them know it would be published.
She said the "head of publicity for the campaign," a man whose name she could not recall, had no factual disputes with the story. But, she added, a Clinton intern spoke to her to say the campaign requests she "not talk about" the story to any more media outlets and that if she did she should inform a staffer.
"I'm not under any real obligation to do that, and I haven't talked to [the campaign] anymore," Gallo-Chasanoff said, adding that she also doesn't plan to.
"If what I do is come and just be totally truthful, then that's all anyone can ask of me, and that's all I can ask of myself. So I'll feel good with what I've done. I'll feel like I've done the right thing."
Asked if this experience makes her less likely to support Clinton's presidential bid, Gallo-Chasanoff, an undecided voter, said, "I think she has a lot to offer, but I -- this experience makes me look at her campaign a little bit differently."
"The question and answer sessions -- especially in Iowa -- are really important. That's where the voters get to ... have like a real genuine conversation with this politician who could be representing them."
While she acknowledged "it's possible that all campaigns do these kind of tactics," she said it still doesn't make it right.
"Personally I want to know that I have someone who's honest representing me."
Calls placed to representatives from the Clinton campaign late Monday night were not immediately returned.
Gallo-Chasanoff's story comes at a time when a second person has also come forward with a similar one. Geoffrey Mitchell of Hamilton, Illinois, a town located on the Iowa border, told CNN the Clinton campaign also wanted him to ask a certain question at an Iowa event in April.
"He asked me if I would ask Sen. Clinton about ways she was going to confront the president on the war in Iraq, specifically war funding," said Geoffrey Mitchell, a supporter of Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois. "I told him it was not a question I felt comfortable with."
No questions were taken at the event. Elleithee said this incident was different than what happened with Gallo-Chasanoff in Newton. Elleithee said the staffer "bumped into someone he marginally knew" and during a conversation with Mitchell, "Iraq came up." Elleithee denied the campaign tried to plant him as a friendly questioner in the audience.
Mitchell said he had never met the staffer before the event.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Focks Gnues Rools !!!
While at the gym today, running my miles on the 'dread-mill', I had the misfortune of picking a machine directly in front of a TV that had the Fox News channel on it.
(Aside) ...I personally think that it would be better if they put any TV with that channel on it behind me, since I would run as fast as I could the OTHER WAY. It'd give me a much better workout.
Aaaanyway, they had the closed captioning on, and they were going over entertainment news. Apparently Jennifer Lopez is pregnant, and, I dunno ... I guess I'm happy for her or whatever.
So glad you can procreate. I GUESS that counts as entertainment news.
Isn't she BRAVE to take on the responsibilities of parenting? (get it? Her new CD is called 'Brave'). Yeah, I know... STFU... OK, OK.
No, the thing that was REALLY entertaining was the closed caption.
It said: "Jay Lowell pregnant...."
Why do I think, for some reason, that the manual task of typing for closed captioning is outsourced to somewhere VERY, VERY FAR AWAY.
(Aside) ...I personally think that it would be better if they put any TV with that channel on it behind me, since I would run as fast as I could the OTHER WAY. It'd give me a much better workout.
Aaaanyway, they had the closed captioning on, and they were going over entertainment news. Apparently Jennifer Lopez is pregnant, and, I dunno ... I guess I'm happy for her or whatever.
So glad you can procreate. I GUESS that counts as entertainment news.
Isn't she BRAVE to take on the responsibilities of parenting? (get it? Her new CD is called 'Brave'). Yeah, I know... STFU... OK, OK.
No, the thing that was REALLY entertaining was the closed caption.
It said: "Jay Lowell pregnant...."
Why do I think, for some reason, that the manual task of typing for closed captioning is outsourced to somewhere VERY, VERY FAR AWAY.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
A Pomeranian Puppy Poser
I never understand the whole 'dressing up your dog for Halloween' thing.
TREATING them like people (which is different enough anyway) doesn't mean you have to HUMILIATE them like people !
Oh, well. Whatever.
I have a friend who dressed their dog - a Pomeranian - in a Tom Brady jersey.
I guess that makes him .... ummm....
The QuarterBARK?
TREATING them like people (which is different enough anyway) doesn't mean you have to HUMILIATE them like people !
Oh, well. Whatever.
I have a friend who dressed their dog - a Pomeranian - in a Tom Brady jersey.
I guess that makes him .... ummm....
The QuarterBARK?
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