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Monday, March 26, 2007

When in the course of Human Events... becomes necessary to start a new blog, then it is wise to make sure you really have something to say.

Now - being neither wise, nor in possession of much common sense, I set forth once again with little or no plan. It's as if I exist to disprove any suggestion of "Intelligent Design" whatsoever by just being "me".
In any case, I'm here and will periodically take the time to write a bunch of observations, opinions and drivel as the spirit moves me. You will be happy to know that THIS time, there can be no doubt as to who is responsible for the insulting, misinformed and generally ignorant exposition herein. I'm writing this one alone, so it's all me, baby. Therefore, address all hate-mail to yours truly. On second thought, never mind. Up yours.

What's the worst that can happen by my writing opinions here? I waste a few electrons ~ and they're recyclable anyway. It's not like I'm an elected official posturing and spouting self-serving vitriol to their constituency or anything, right? Anyway, hope you enjoy and hopefully some of this will help to keep our minds from rotting. Or speed the process up. Whichever.
Kyng ~ 03/26/07

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