Yeah ~ SCREW the Iranian people's struggle for free elections, and their fight against an intolerant oppressive theocracy, damnit!! Michael Jackson died!!!!!
Look - I understand, to a point. He was an incredible talent, and his death is certainly unexpected. And really - I can vividly remember how great the Jackson 5 was. "I Want You Back" is one of the greatest pop songs ever. And "Thriller" was a massive influence on so many things, from music videos to MTV to theatrical pop. He was an entertainer below few others.
But c'mon!!!! There was quite a bit of freakish, scary behavior there. And he was only ABOUT to try to make a comeback. It might or might not have gone anywhere. No one even knows how he would have been received or how good he would have been. (And just WAIT - with MUCH bluster and fanfare, there will be a release of some kind of video of his rehearsal sessions for this 'comeback tour', I have no doubt..... because rust and money-grubbing-promoters NEVER sleep).
So now it's 24 hours later and, as can be seen above from the screen shots, the major "news" networks are still in full-blown tabloid mode.
I smell a fully dedicated "MJ-TV" channel in our future.....
Oh - and let it NOT be lost on anyone the pose that is being used on MS-NBC. Jesus, indeed.
Poor Farrah Fawcett.... about the only pop icon that could have usurped her in death actually did.
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