I demand to know who the f%^& decided that ALL that people want to hear in the AM on the radio is ridiculous babble between insipid morons. No one cares about your bad humor, your bright and chipper co-host, or Hollywood gossip, or what went on the night before on every show on TV.
Oooo! And here's a wonderful idea! Let's PRANK some listener's boyfriend, spouse, or coworker! That's incredible entertainment!
The humor is non-existent. These people all are self-aggrandizing, thinking they are the most talented, funny and quick-witted radio personalities on the planet.
All people want to hear is some traffic, some news headlines (THE IMPORTANT ONES, not every stupid piece of crap thing that is dumped out on the internet), and then music.
I have spoken to numerous young people - high school and college age, and THEY don't want anything but music. I've listened around the office and in Dunkin' Donuts, and in the gym ....if there is a mention by people AT ALL of radio, it's about how annoying it is. To a person, they fall into two groups... "Why can't I hear a friggin' SONG." and "Why can't I get headlines or sports scores and then some music?"
The advertisers CAN'T POSSIBLY believe that this adds value to the playing of their commercials.
I find it once again a case of "self-fulfillment".
In the 1950' & 1960's, the morning DJ was the spark for listening. This begat power-DJ's, like Petey Greene, who begat shock jocks like Imus and Stern. Marketing weenies in small markets of course copied that to death will lame impostors, and the advertising monkeys went along for the ride.
Today there is pablum. Garbage.... and even WORSE than bland, there is annoying and useless.
Some say it's age creeping in to me that causes the crankiness....
But the fact is, it just gets tiring to see zero effort put in to anything by people now.
Try something new. Find out what people WANT and they will listen to your disreputable ads by shysters selling fake sexual enhancement products in order to scam kids' credit cards.
Or how about this...get a fucking clue and put out a viable product.
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