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Monday, August 4, 2008


So ESPN put these in various laundromats around Los Angeles last week after the Manny Ramirez trade. I CERTAINLY am no apologist for Manny (your obligation was to shut up and play), and it was certainly time for him to leave, no matter how well he could hit...because, well, they couldn't count on him to do the one thing he CAN do well....

No, my rant is with ESPN. Firstly, this is a bad advertising idea, generally a waste of money, and on the whole, well, effin' aggravating. Here's an idea ESPN. REPORT/BROADCAST the damn sports events.

And by the way ... you might have more money to put into better broadcasts if you stop wasting it on stupid stunts like this.
Oh, and also if you get rid of the ultimately incompetent Joe Morgan.
Just sayin'.

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