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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Doing It By The Numbers

Does it ever occur to anyone that a voter poll is utterly useless if the major candidates are within 3-4% or each other and the LITTLE TINY WRITING down at the bottom of the screen says: +/- 4.1%

NOT that this stops ANY ONE of the cable "news" nitwits from inflammatory comments and righteous declarations of a winner or ..."total loser".

Honestly, that entire segment of cable news stations, from CNN, MSNBC, & Fox up to and including all their sub-ling channels, are nothing more than shit-stirers. It's impossible to watch, and not at all related to actual news in the least.

I'd call it "News-Related Biased Opinion", except that opinion subtly infers that the person actually BELIEVES the stuff that they say.

I know, I know... "WHERE have I been?"

"Just sittin' here watchin' the wheels go round and round"

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