OK. So you are an internet pervert who stalks underage girls. You make contact with someone ... think you are going to meet her for insidious & inscrutable purposes (well I guess YOU aren't thinking of it that way) ... and when you arrive, your prey turns out to be none other than Miss America. Now.... in YOUR head, for a brief moment, you can't believe your luck... and then WHOMP !!!! Police ~ Handcuffs (in a BAD way) ~ Arrest ~ Court ~ Jail time ~ Prison boyfriends and all the joyousness that goes along with THAT...
Way to be deviant.
But wait! It's all good!
Not only will you get off, so to speak, but this little hottie Miss America will be the cause.
And why is that?
Because of of everything that is wrong about media, TV, and morals comes to light with this one little story.
In order to promote herself, the advertising power of the ridiculous pageant, a stupid low-budget, lame-ass, self-serving television show and, of course, the FOX network, this twit's handlers persuade the Suffolk County Police Dept to include her in a sting operation. Oh, wait... I forgot. THEY are to blame as well. Because everyone wants their little moment of fame...their grab for the almighty dollar. "Let's have Miss AMERICA on and host America's Most Wanted... We'll get famous and be seen on TV and schmooze with John Walsh, and flirt with the shallow media-trollop while we all pretend we are doing wonderful things for society." Woo Hoo! New laptops for the cruisers, with WiFi setups installed, so we can use 'em INSIDE Dunkin' Donuts now.
Way to be deviant.
But wait! It's all good!
Not only will you get off, so to speak, but this little hottie Miss America will be the cause.
And why is that?
Because of of everything that is wrong about media, TV, and morals comes to light with this one little story.
In order to promote herself, the advertising power of the ridiculous pageant, a stupid low-budget, lame-ass, self-serving television show and, of course, the FOX network, this twit's handlers persuade the Suffolk County Police Dept to include her in a sting operation. Oh, wait... I forgot. THEY are to blame as well. Because everyone wants their little moment of fame...their grab for the almighty dollar. "Let's have Miss AMERICA on and host America's Most Wanted... We'll get famous and be seen on TV and schmooze with John Walsh, and flirt with the shallow media-trollop while we all pretend we are doing wonderful things for society." Woo Hoo! New laptops for the cruisers, with WiFi setups installed, so we can use 'em INSIDE Dunkin' Donuts now.

Only now that it's all done and we caught these 11 losers, little princess vapid has said she won't return to testify in court against any of these defendants. Excellent. Idiot.
I'm especially impressed by the fact that when I look your sorry ass up online, it says your "platform issue" in becoming Miss America was "Be NetSmart – Protecting Kids Online", and that you received a $50,000 scholarship award along with the title.
Way to go.
I can't make up stuff like this ~ everyone would say it's too unrealistic.
Oh, and will this situation change? Of course it will. Why? Not because it's the right thing to do. No way. But because the bad press will cost the involved parties money. And, in the perfect progression of things, this will now allow a bunch of other uninvolved posers to forward THEIR careers and earning (read: fund raising) power by speaking out about this "horrible travesty and Miscarriage of Justice".
Of course it will be discussed and debated in full on FOX NEWS.
Full Circle.
But I'M the cranky one, right?
Prosecutor: Miss America won't testify
May 1, 2007 (Associated Press)
HAUPPAUGE, N.Y. --An undercover sex sting that used Miss America as bait may be in trouble after the beauty queen told prosecutors that she does not plan to testify against the men she helped arrest.
Lauren Nelson, 20, of Lawton, Okla., worked with police in Suffolk County to target would-be Internet sexual predators, taped for an episode of the TV show "America's Most Wanted."
She posed as a teenager and lured men into chatting online and meeting her at a home, where police and crews were waiting. Eleven men were arrested in the sting.
But one or all of the cases against the men could be in jeopardy after Nelson told prosecutors she did not plan on returning to Long Island to testify, said Suffolk District Attorney Thomas Spota in Newsday's Tuesday edition.
"Her agents have told us that she's not coming back to testify," Spota said. The Miss America Organization did not return calls for comment Monday from a Newsday reporter.
Given that Nelson actually spoke with at least one of the men arrested during the operation; Spota said he had instructed prosecutors not to present any more cases to the grand jury until they can "determine her involvement." One case already presented may falter, he said.
Attorney Michael Brown, who represents one of the 11 men swept up in the sting, said he had the right to cross-examine the beauty queen if she contends that she spoke with his client.
"You've now made Miss America a witness," he said.
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