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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Building his OLEG-acy

This is a description from a Canadian TV blog-guy about those FOX spots you might have seen ...
It's a SHOW? Like, with 9 second episodes....

And here's the link to an entire site about this character.... ONLY FOX... Ugh!!

To watch the episodes, click on the radio in his car ...

The best ones are where he's listening to his "English Tutorial" tapes....

I hate getting sucked in by stupid things ... and this is obviously a gimmick.. but a couple of these really are funny, and it's pretty quirky. And I'm totally a gullible ingestor of Pop Culture Non-sense.

PLUS ..there's a 100% chance that there will be outrage at this portrayal of a foreign character by SOME group .... THAT will be entertaining.

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