Let's get this out right now. I''m arranging all the little electrons on this screen to say right up front: "I DON'T WANT JOHN FARRELL AS THE RED SOX NEW MANAGER."
Stop pre-picking the guy you want to hire.
John Farrell is NOT the person for the manager's position in 2013.
You guys in the front office (LARRY) are NOT catching on. Every time you have an organizational hard-on for a player or manager, it turns out to be WRONG.
Go with someone NOT pre-disposed by your stubborn self-appointed superiority.
You need to OPENLY and THOROUGHLY interview people, and not go with soenone you liked when they worked here before. I bet you that Ausmus or Pena would be much better choices than Mr. Farrell. He is/was a great pitching coach, by all accounts. However, that does NOT translate into a good manager. He has not proven himself in Toronto. He had player behavior issues (Escobar's little anti-gay slur on his eye-black). They barely finished ahead of the Sox in the standings for crying out loud!
So again, STOP! Go with a new person - and give them the power and autonomy to actually BE the manager. Don't micro-manage from above.
Here's your chance - you LUCKED out like no other team by being able to dump those big salaried non-performers back in August.
Do it RIGHT.
Start over. I swear to God these guys are their own worst enemies.